May I introduce?
Who is this woman, anyway? Where does she live? What does she think? Why does she do what she does?
To set the mood, here are some photos that describe me very well:
On this page I would like to tell only very little about me – if you want to know more about me, you can visit my general art website. There you will find detailed information about the person Eva and the artist Eva.
Eva Leopoldi or also Eva Kormann (because happily married a second time) in a nutshell:
I am still a curious, a little chaotic, open-minded, fun-loving artist, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend, who has a desire for new things in many areas, e.g. playing, traveling, learning.
I still want to develop my own abilities, and I am very grateful that I am allowed to live the way I live…Born in 1962 at the Swabian Danube – family time at the Upper Bavarian Danube – and the dreamlike “retirement home” is located in the “Bavarian Tuscany” in Lower Bavaria.
Two quotes that I have experienced again and again in my life as absolutely fitting:
“Life is what happens to you just when you have something completely different in mind.”
“Art is the result curiosity and the desire to tell stories.”
By the way – because the question comes up more ten:
Why doesn’t Eva paint anymore?
Since my hands no longer work really well when painting, I have swapped the brush with the camera or the mouse and the colors I create with my graphics programs. Because – can’t be done, doesn’t exist… The desire to make art can’t simply be switched f.
And as so ten in life, an initially “forced” change art design leads to further development and reorientation. The newly created photographic and digitally processed artworks show a lightness, cheerfulness and creativity, due to the almost infinite possibilities image processing.
Thus I have acquired the epithet #ludensartifex, the playing artist.
(In reference to the term “Homo Ludens”, the playing human being).
Because that’s what I want to do, play with all the possibilities, try to create something in this game, create new information, according to the motto #ichmachemirdieweltwiesiemirgefällt.You can find more about my way developing artistic photography on these pages.
And because project work is also a very important part my life – on these pages you can learn more about my most important art projects: