Room two the gallery in the Galeriothek Leopoldi-Art is home to image-making or experimental photography. Here you will find works from the following areas:
Performative and Staged Photography.
Creating images and stories with the help photography and subsequent digital processing – that is my greatest passion. I work intensively on this. I develop new ways realizing my ideas and always try to remain open to developments and improvements.The resulting images are clearly not necessary, but they are possible – they show in the playful way that is so important to me, that being different can be an enrichment reality. Each picture tells a new story that no one knows yet. Every story can be developed into a new narrative. And this process can be repeated at will.
Performative Photography
Narrative TV-Pics
Performative Photography
Narrative TV-Pics – Raster Pic
Staged photography
Project #Eva.2020
Staged photography
Projekt #Eva.2017